Have you seen our custom evaluation wrappers? They are a great way to quickly create your own evaluation class.

If you want to write your own evaluation class, you can do so by extending the BaseEvaluator class.

You can extend the BaseEvaluator class. See this example

You need to implement the following methods:

def _model(self):
    # Which model was used for this evaluation
def name(self):
    return "UpperCamelCaseName"
def display_name(self):
    return "Evaluation Display Name"
def metric_ids(self) -> List[str]:
    return [MetricType.PASSED.value]
def default_function_arguments(self):
    return {}
def required_args(self):
    # expects an array of strings from ["query", "context", "response", "expected_response", "text"]
def examples(self):
def is_failure(self) -> Optional[bool]:
def _evaluate(self, **kwargs) -> EvalResult:

Contribute !

If you write an evaluator that could be useful for others, please consider raising a PR at https://github.com/athina-ai/athina-evals.