Athina is an end-to-end platform for AI teams to prototype, experiment, monitor, and evaluate LLM-powered applications for production use cases.

  • Complete production observability platform, with real-time monitoring and analytics
  • Powerful evaluation framework and tools to run in development, CI / CD, or production
  • Prompt management and experimentation tools

See our new IDE where you can prototype pipelines, run experiments, and evaluate, and compare datasets. See the docs →


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Athina Monitor assists developers in several key areas:

  • Visibility: By logging prompt-response pairs using our SDK, you get complete visibility into your LLM touchpoints, allowing you to trace through and debug your retrievals and generations.
  • Usage Analytics: Athina will keep track of usage metrics like response time, cost, token usage, feedback, and more, regardless of which LLM you are using.
  • Query Topic Classification: Automatically classify user queries into topics to get detailed insights into popular subjects and AI performance per topic.
  • Granular Segmentation: You can segment your usage and performance metrics based on different metadata properties such as customer ID, prompt version, language model ID, topic, and more to slice and dice your metrics.

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