Quick Start Guides

Preset Evaluators

Athina has a large library of preset evaluators to cover all kinds of common use cases.

However, evals are not one-size-fits-all. Which is why Athina supports many ways to use custom evals, or even create your own.

Schedule a call with us, and we’ll set up your evaluation and safety suite for you.




Grounded evals

If you have ground truth data, you may use these evals

Grounded Evals

These evaluators look at the entire chat instead of just a single message.

Conversation evals

Conversational Evaluators

These evaluators look at the entire chat instead of just a single message.

Custom evals

Custom Evals

Learn how you can use custom evals on Athina.

Function evals

Function Evals

A set of preset functions for quick evaluation.

Write your own eval

Custom Code Eval

Learn how you can write python code as an eval.

We can build evals for you

We'll work with you to create custom evals for your use case

Schedule a call with us - we are happy to create custom evaluators for your use case.