Athina Self Hosting Guide


Core Services Setup

  • Clone the athina-deploy repository (ensure all Athina project folders are at the same directory level):
    git clone
  • Copy .example.env to .env.
  • Populate the respective values. Some default values and keys are provided. You can change them if needed. The DB Name can remain as it is.
  • Create a Google OAuth client for Google login (Google Sign-In Documentation). Ensure you set the correct redirect URI and authorized domain (:9000/auth/google/redirect).
  • Create a bucket for data import:
    • Use the bucket name specified in .env. Edit CORS setting of this bucket to allow the frontend to upload files:
          "AllowedHeaders": ["*"],
          "AllowedMethods": ["PUT"],
          "AllowedOrigins": ["http://domain:3000"],
          "ExposeHeaders": []

Transactional Emails (Optional)

  • We use Loops for transactional emails like user invitations, OTP sending, and downloading exported data.
  • Create a free account and obtain the API key from the Loops dashboard.
  • Create three transactional email templates:
    • User invitation email:
      • Data variables: inviterName and invitedEmail
    • OTP email:
      • Data variable: otp
    • Data export email:
      • Data variable: s3_link

Workers Setup (For Automated Eval)

  • Clone the athina-workers repository:
    git clone
  • Copy .example.env to .env.
  • Use AWS keys with full admin access.
  • Populate the respective values (refer to the .env file from previous steps).
  • Run the following command (this will take some time, ~5 minutes):
    serverless deploy --stage prod --config serverless-aws.yml --aws-profile default --verbose
  • Copy the endpoint and secret/API key from the previous command.
  • Create a bucket for data export:
    • Use the bucket name export-env. Do not block public access for the bucket.

Services Creation

  • Log in to ECR using credentials:
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-central-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
  • Pull the required images:
docker-compose --profile core pull
  • Update the .env file in athina-deploy with the endpoint and API key obtained in the previous step.
  • Run the following command:
docker-compose --profile core up -d
  • Wait for all services to start.


  • Clone the athina-dashboard repository:
git clone
  • Copy the following to .env:
# Frontend URL
  • Set them to the correct values.
  • Run the following commands:
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
npm run build
bash start
  • Navigate to http://<IP/DOMAIN>:3000/login.


You can use the for starting, stopping, updating and restarting the services.

bash start # Start the services
bash stop # Stop the services
bash pull # Pull the latest images
bash update # Update the services
bash restart # Restart the services

Post Installation

You can edit few configurations in the database to customize the platform. Particularly, you can set the domain in the org table. If you populate the domain column all subsequent users signing up using the same domain will be automatically be added to the same org, instead of creating a new org.

-- Replace 'your_org_id' with the actual org_id

-- Query for setting your domain so that further users signing up will be added to your org
UPDATE org SET domain = 'your_domain' WHERE id = 'your_org_id';

-- Set max_evals_per_month to 1000.
UPDATE org SET max_evals_per_month = 1000 WHERE id = 'your_org_id';

-- Paywall org config updated with allowed team members
UPDATE paywall_org_config SET allowed_team_members = 25 WHERE org_id = 'your_org_id';